Valued at $3000

Congratulations on your decision to seek health services from Hearing Buddy. Hearing Buddy considers itself to be a partner with you throughout every step of the way in search for a solution and our relationship with you extends beyond the initial appointment.

Therefore, to make things standard, transparent, and to ensure we continue to support all hearing aid purchases include:

For Private/Self-funded Clients:

hearing loss treatment services

90 Min Initial Comprehensive Hearing Assessment
Valued at $ 150

This complimentary 90-minute hearing test will evaluate your hearing loss and possible causes, allowing for accurate diagnosis, treatment, and management. Importantly, hearing examinations can identify hidden abnormalities that require medical treatment.

hearing services

Hearing Aid Fitting and Verification
Valued at $ 350

Your brand-new Hearing Aids will be ready and assembled with appropriate wires, tubes, moulds or domes as indicated at the Hearing aid consultation, and the model, colour and required specs will be confirmed prior to fitting. The Hearing aids will then be tried on your ears to check for comfort and best fit and to see if any changes are needed. Incorrect parameters can impact both the comfort and sound quality of a hearing device.


60-day Unlimited Follow Up
Valued at $ 300

Even if your hearing aids are working well, there’s always space for improvement. The first few weeks and months of wearing hearing aids are crucial. In the real world, your hearing aids will be tested for comfort and functionality. Following your initial fitting, a follow-up session allows to fine-tune and optimise your hearing aids even more for an even better listening experience.

Money Back Guarantee

60-Day Money Back Guarantee

Hearing Buddy offers a 60 day change of mind return period from the date you are receiving the device(s). During this period it is important that you attend appointments as required to ensure that your hearing devices are adjusted to suit your needs and that you are able to manage them correctly.

Hearing aid fitting Discussion

End of Warranty Recall
Valued at $400

Hearing Buddy offers a 60 day change of mind return period from the date you are receiving the device(s). During this period it is important that you attend appointments as required to ensure that your hearing devices are adjusted to suit your needs and that you are able to manage them correctly.

Hearing Aid Check

Hearing Aid Check and Adjust
Valued at $1600 over 5-year period

4 appts per year x for first 3-years.
2 appts per year x 2-years after hearing aid warranty has expired.

hearing aids

Valued at $200

Your hearing aids come with a starter pack which includes 1 box of batteries, 1 pack of filters and domes, and cleaning tools. In addition, Hearing Buddy will supply up to $200 worth of consumables that can be used for future purchases of filters, domes, batteries, drying capsules, etc.

hearing aids

3-Year Manufacture Warranty

The hearing aid(s) are typically covered by a three-year warranty. It does not cover damage resulting from incorrect use, negligence, or accidental damage. We will handle the warranty management for you. Simply return the hearing aids to us for warranty service if anything goes wrong.

Please note: Ear moulds and custom shells carry limited warranty of 90 days, and accessories are generally covered for 1 year.

For Hearing Service Program Clients

Hearing Buddy strongly recommend that you sign up for Government’s Annual Maintenance Agreement, which will cover the costs of device maintenance, repairs, and batteries.

The majority of this expenditure is covered by the Australian government and comes at no additional cost to you other than a small yearly fee.

If you opt out of the yearly maintenance agreement, you will be responsible for purchasing batteries and any repair costs to your hearing aid.

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